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The Necessary Disruption for the Elderly Healthcare. The Case of the French EHPAD

BOURRET (Christian) – DEPEYROT (Thérèse)


For more than one year, the pandemic has focused on the elderly healthcare as a very complex issue and on the limits of the model of accommodation establishment for the dependent old people called in France EHPAD (Etablissement d’Hébergement pour Personnes Agées Dépendantes).
We will take into account both the results of recent experimentations for  “EHPAD out of the walls” and the reports and various observations made with the pandemic about the elderly’ needs; the situation revealed namely the importance of the impacts of the conditions of life on the healthcare, especially for the elderly.

Finally, we intend to have a global approach in order to consider the complexity of this societal issue for which it is now compulsory to define very soon different solutions; it must be analyzed on several axes: at least ethics, demographical and social evolutions, skills and finances, territorial organization, Information and Communication Technologies (ICT).

It appears that a disruption is now the only way to enable the implementation of different models, avoiding a unique solution with the concept « EHPAD of the future ».

Le document complet en PDF : The Necessary Disruption for the Elderly Healthcare. The Case of the French EHPAD

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